
Multiple offers. Really?

By Julie Lemos | Sep 26, 2017

Yes, REALLY.   Though not as common as they were 10 years ago, multiple offers are far from unheard of in today’s market. And whenever I’m working with a buyer faced with the dreaded “we’ve got multiple offers” the question is always the same: “But do you REALLY think there are multiple offers?” Inevitably, they […]

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Dodging the Tackle

By Julie Lemos | Sep 20, 2017

Navigating through a real estate transaction is often compared to a roller coaster ride. It is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, thrills and gut-dropping lows. But in the end, provided the roller coaster doesn’t break down, the result is exhilarating.   Seeing as though it’s football season and when I’m not working […]

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